Joining Forces
“Joining Forces Project” is a very specific Letter to a very specific goal, that is: to reach Relief and Humanitarian Organizations (or Institutions), Volunteer Centers, Green Movements, Charitable Organizations, etc, and let them know about the Zeitgeist Movement and hence the Venus Project. Once the approach is made, we will try to join forces with these organizations and start working in mutual cooperation to achieve our common goals.
So far, we have been approaching organizations through e-mails. E-mails are great, they are very easy to be sent but they also are very easy to be ignored.
Now we need a Bolder Approach and that is what this Project is about.
In most cities we can find Volunteer Centers and organizations like Greenpeace, CARE, Oxfam, Amnesty, Save the Children, The British Heart Foundation, Save the Animals, etc. Again, e-mails are great but we all agree that we just can’t rely completely on them.
The idea (AFTER COMPLETING THE BLANK SPACES ON THE LETTER) is to print it and hand it, in an envelope, along with 5 Zeitgeist Addendum DVDs and 5 Orientation Guide DVDs, to organizations as the ones mentioned above.
IMPORTANT: the goal is to have the DVDs watched by ALL EMPLOYEES of these Organizations. We rather have the big base of the pyramid aware of the solutions (most employees) than a few managers on the top of the pyramid that may think the information presented on the DVDs may threat their BUSINESS…I mean, their Humanitarian Organization.
Here is the Step by Step Guide:
1. Download the letter HERE;
2.1. Set your city and today’s date (AND ERASE THE RED WRITING);
2.2. Check what Organizations you have around your Neighborhood/City and set the name of the Organization (AND ERASE THE RED WRITING).HERE you can find a list of Organizations;
2.3. Erase the current name and set your own name if you want to be a representant (AND ERASE THE RED WRITING).
2.4. Set the actual member’s number (AND ERASE THE RED WRITING) – you can find out what is the total number of members by visiting the Main Zeitgeist Website -
3. Download our Envelope Logo HERE – Glue it on the envelope you will hand to the Organization;
4. Download our Joining Forces DVD Covers HERE;
5. Download and Burn 5 Zeitgeist Addendum DVDs and 5 Orientation Guide DVDs (or more if you want). HERE you can find ALL you need to perform this task;
6. Download and print some Flyers/Posters to leave on the front desk of the Organization you are visiting and some other ones inside the envelop to each employee to take home along with the DVDs. We strongly suggest you our Poster/Flyer #1 as it is makes the reader think: “what is a RBE about?” (if people ask you about it, just tell them to watch the movies - you better not even try to explain it – what is a classical newbie mistake);
7. Get some plastic sleeves.
8. Clip together each DVD with a Flyer (Flyer first and DVD behind it). Clip it in the top left corner as showed on the picture below.
That was easy and simple – By now you must have one envelope containing all the items mentioned above.
This is very simple.
First of all, let’s mention what you are NOT going to do before/after/while/when you hand this letter:
· You are NOT there to talk to the Manager;
· You are NOT there to give a lecture about the Zeitgeist Movement or the Venus Project;
All you have to do is: “to hand the envelope”.
An example to make things very clear:
Let’s say you have 5 different places to hand these letters. The first place to go will be The British Heart Foundation. Let me say that most of these places are like shops open to the public (if you never happen to step inside one before). They accept donations (like an old TV you don’t use anymore), and they sell it there (just don’t ask where this money goes to).
Before that, you may introduce yourself to not look like a weirdo (it is important to mention that you don’t necessarily have to say the word “Zeitgeist” at all).
Just say:
“Hi there, I work as volunteer to a Social Movement and I have a letter to “all employees of the British Heart Foundation”(in this mean time you should be flipping through the letters to find the one to the British Heart Foundation).”
“Here it is.” (just hand it)
If they ask what it is about, you say: “Our movement shares the same goals your organization promotes. We want to share some important information with you and thus work in mutual cooperation with your Organization (or mention the name of the Organization instead)”.
Mention: “There is some informative material inside the envelope, that is: a letter from our movement, 5 sets of DVDs and some flyers”.If you spot more than 5 employees around the shop you say: “ I see you have more than 5 employees working here today, I can provide some extra material for them too. Can I leave these DVDs and Flyers/Posters with you?” (so you hand as many DVDs/Flyers/Posters as needed). Ask if you can leave some flyers over the main desk or at their notice board also.
If you are a Joining Forces Representant, you can say you will be back to talk more about it. If you are not a Representant, just say: “there is an e-mail contact on the letter, thank you! Have a nice day!”…and leave the place.
It is that simple!!!
There is no “I want talk to the manager”, no “I want to introduce the Venus Project to you” and there is no “I am sorry, I can’t answer this question because I actually don’t know the answer” (what is classical for a fever newbie that want to help but don’t know how and, in the end, talk more than he/she should).
You can be a Representant too – More information - Email :
There is always a different approach to all kinds of members and the shy ones are not excluded.
If you really shy and can’t imagine yourself stepping inside an Organization to hand this letter, so, here are two tips that will help you:
1. Just mail it though regular Post. Get the address of the organization you want to mail and send it through regular mail. You don’t have to write your address on the envelope (in case you don’t know). Just set the envelope as explained above and send it through regular mail;
2. Get over your shyness and READ or LISTEN to this material.
IMPORTANT: Very special thanks to all members that contributed towards the development of this Project.
- Andrew Buxton – The Venus Project Design
- Ben Taylor
- Brandon Stewart – Fusionhalo
- Dane Custance – Daney7g
- Heather Odom
- Jon Stevenson – js41uk
- Josef Jones – Full Name
- Myra Graham – Walk in beauty
- Peter Joseph
- Ray - Gman
- (your name ins’t here?…and you did contribute to this project? Send me an email and I set our name here. Sorry for that!)
Any ideas or suggestions