
Promote Awareness by Spreading Z-Bank Notes

Z-Bank Notes

Everyday someone comes up with this brilliant and original idea to promote the Zeitgeist Movement by writing "Zeitgeist Movement" on bank notes.

Well done, you are the Zeitgeist Member number 1978.876…that has this "original" idea ;)


Now let's go for the first thought you will have just before write it down.

"Won't I get into trouble for writing on my money?"

This is, by far, the most commonly asked question and the answer is...

Not unless you're making them "unfit for recirculation" and, according to Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code, this is defined as "mutilating, cutting, disfiguring, perforating, uniting or cementing together, or doing anything else to a bank bill with the intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued". So, if you're only writing the "www.WhereHaveIBeen.com" website address in neat lettering along one edge of the bill, you're certainly not making it "unfit for recirculation"!

Source: wherehaveibeen.com


Now let's go for: What are people already writing on the bank notes?

Here are some examples

(Click on each picture to amplify them)

  Zbank Nonte by Ryan Bennett

 “The End Of Recession Now” - “The End Of Recession For All People”

Zbank Nonte by Factual Solutions

Zbank Nonte by Factual Solutions

“The More Money There Is, The More Debt There Is”

Zbank Nonte by Factual Solutions

“Money Corrupts Virtually Everyting It Touches”

Zbank Nonte by Factual Solutions


At this point you will face two options on how to accomplish this task:

1. Using a Pen - Write it down by handwriting – all you need is a pen (and if don't have one so just walk into a bank or gamble house where there are plenty of free pens)


2. Using a Stamper – the neatest way to do this task is by using a stamper – Easy and quick. There are many brands in the market. Make your research but be aware that there are different kind of stampers – Take a look in some of them...


Traditional Stamper


Stamper that doesn't need a pad



Printing Kit

You can create a message and change it as you will.

The choice lies with you.


Are you a shy person?

You just loved the idea to spread Z Bank Notes. You really want to contribute by spreading awareness doing this but still feel shy to hand a Z Bank Note to people face to face.

So just don’t do it.


There are innumerous ways to make this notes circulate without having to face no one.


Here are some tips for you.

You may be shy to hand a Z bank note to a person but you surely won’t have to same problem doing it to a machine.

Use Self-Services machines like:

Supermarket Self Checkout

Supermarket Self Checkout


Vending machines



Self-service gas station

Petrol Station self service


Any machine that accepts bank notes


Extra Hot Tips

Always try to get bills back from your shop

Make small shops and insert a large value bill to get more bills back.

For instance: if your total shop is 3,00 – insert a 20,00 bill to get one 10,00 bill backone 5,00 bill back and some coins back. The point here is to get as many bills as you can to pass them on later.


Feel Free to leave any ideas and comments


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