
E-mail Signature

This is another free cost idea to promote awareness.

You may know about this one, or not.

You have an option on your email to add a “signature” on the bottom of every e-mail you send.

You can create a signature like:

“The more money there is, the more debt there is”

“Watch Zeitgeist Addendum NOW”



“This Recession Was Planned”

“Do you want to know how?”



"Ever wish you didn't have to work?

Imagine having the time to do what you truly enjoy…

…it is possible.



"Can you imagine a world without politicians, lawyers, and police?

I can"



"Want to make a change, to save the world?

Learn what needs to be saved, but more importantly…

… what needs to change."



…And so on.

Take any message from the movies and create a signature that will make your friends fell eager to watch them.

(inform us about your favorite signatures and they will be posted here too)


How can I set up a signature on my email?

Here is a list with several e-mail Providers and how to set up each one of them to easily get your signature ready to go.


Use WiseStamp

WiseStamp extension empowers your email signature on each Gmail or Google Apps email you send. Easily customize html email signatures, Include IM & Social profiles, Automatically share your Blog posts, Quotes, News, Bookmarks and more…Enhance your personal and business Chrome email interactions.


WiseStamp by Factual Solutions

The Credit for this tip goes to Ife Aziz

Thanks Ife



Any ideas or suggestions

Email: factualsolutions@gmail.com


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